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Last Updated: 2011/10/04
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If soft music is played in a wedding, what is the Islamic law on a woman dancing in front of other women?
Is it permissible for a woman to dance for another woman? If soft music is played in a wedding, what is the Islamic law on a woman dancing in a gathering of women?
Concise answer

Office of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei (may Allah grant him long life):

If a woman's dancing for women is considered to be lahw (frivolity) such as when a female gathering changes into a dancing party, there is problem in it and the obligatory precaution is to avoid it, otherwise if dancing entails sexual excitation or committing a ḥarām act like listening to ḥarām music, or it is in the presence of non-mahram men, it is not permissible. It does not make a difference as to whether the dancing is at a wedding ceremony or other gatherings.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi (may Allah grant him long life):

It is permissible for a woman to dance for her husband and other types of dancing are forbidden. Of course, we mean a frivolous (lahwi) type of dancing. There is no difference in the type of dancing, and any action or movement that the general public would consider as dancing. Also, all types of songs and music that are appropriate for gatherings of entertainment and moral depravity are ḥarām, and the rest are halal. It is the general public i.e. the faithful individuals to whom you can turn to distinguish whether a song or a type of music is frivolous and appropriate for such gatherings or not.

Office of Grand Ayatollah Saafi Gulpaigani (may Allah grant him long life):

It is absolutely not allowed to listen to music, however, it is permitted for a woman to dance for her husband, if it is not accompanied with something ḥarām.

Office of Ayatollah Hadavi Tehrani (may Allah grant him long life):

If dancing does not entail sexual excitation or committing a ḥarām act, there is no problem in it.


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