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Last Updated: 2007/05/20
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Was Aristotle a messenger of God?
Was Aristotle a messenger of God?
Concise answer

The great Greek philosopher, physicist and scientist, Aristotle, was born in 384 b.c., in Stageira, north of Greece. His father, Nicomachus, was the personal physician to the King of Macedon. At the age of 17, Aristotle left Greece for Athens in order to continue his studies. In the year 368 BC., he became a member of Plato's academy and remained a member for twenty years, until Plato's death.

As Plato's best student, he left Athens and founded a branch of the academy in the city of Assos in Asia Minor. There, he got acquainted with Hermias, its governor, and eventually got married to Hermias’s niece.

In the year 343 BC., he was invited by Philip of Macedon to be tutor to the thirteen year old Alexander the Great. He accepted the offer and began tutoring him and working on his morals and scientific dimensions not knowing that this decision would have a great effect in history, because in the year 336 BC Alexander the Great sat on the throne and began his worldly conquest. Meanwhile, Aristotle left Macedonia and returned to Athens. There, he established a school like that of his teacher’s and was named the same as the area in which it was established, “The Lyceum”.

The Lyceum was an academic school, equipped with a library and teachers in which would hold classes in an orderly fashion. In The Lyceum, researchers and intellectuals would spend their time studying in a highly-developed way.

Aristotle used to walk while teaching, and his philosophy became famous as “Peripatetic Philosophy” (walking or strolling).

Upon the death of Alexander in 323BC, strong anti-Macedonian feeling developed in Athens, and Aristotle was accused of being pro-war and in content with the acts of his pupil. Because of this, he retired to a family estate in Euboea. He died there the following year from natural causes.

Aristotle is one of the greatest philosophers who has presented many unique theories on all philosophical and intellectual subjects; physics, logic, morals, politics, tragedy, and astronomy. His theories, particularly those on metaphysics, and his logic were the principle ones during the Middle Ages and prepared the grounds for the cultural and scientific renaissance.

His philosophy plays an important role in Islamic Philosophy. Most Islamic philosophers, like Farabi and Abusina were his followers and because of this, they are related to the Peripatetic Philosophy. Usually, they would explain his theories. Conclusion: Aristotle was never a messenger of God, he was a great Philosopher that his followers or other philosophers would call “The Prophet of Philosophy”.

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