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Last Updated: 2012/02/15
Summary of question
I believe in God and pray to Him, but sometimes I don’t know how to picture him.
I believe in God and pray to Him, but sometimes I don’t know how to picture him. This matter is bothering me.
Concise answer

Essentially, picturing God and moving towards embodying and picturing God is wrong, because God isn't physical and cannot be pictured or imagined. God is a reality and at the same time, in all realities. He is One, but not like any other thing. He is present everywhere, and sees everything, but cannot be imagined or pictured.  Man can only see Him with the eyes of the heart, not by picturing Him. Our narrations tell us that some would come to the imams and ask about how the knowledge of God is. They would reply: “This is wrong, don’t go after these things.” Therefore, we shouldn’t go after picturing God and this is not a straight path. One should strive to develop a strong and intimate relationship with Him and find Him in his heart. The times when we have a good spiritual feeling, or when our heart is broken, or our attention is drawn to Him, are all times of special connection to Him. We must know the value of these precious moments. Of course, Allah is always by our side and with us, it is us who forget Him.

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The endlessness of God’s existence, 21439 (site: 20628).

Seeing God, 5621 (site: 7911).

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